BUTTERTV PRESENTS: Idronations 2024 – Pizza Pasta & P-Rails
from BUTTER TV on 22 Jan 2025
What you experienced today was a prime example of what this passion can give. and that is why I say: let us remain who we are, let us remain unique, let us remain bladers. Json AdrianiOctober 5th-6th 2024. Milan, Italy – During one of the heaviest rainfalls in recent Milan histroy, Json Adriani & co. managed to pull off a full weekend event at Idroscalo skatepark filled with multiple DIY spots. The community came together to skate, compete, and cheer each other on as well as using one of the days to create a learning environment to share an experience together within the older and newer generations. It all started with the children putting their best efforts to create their own individual runs while everyone cheered. The ladies were up next with a format that remained for the rest of the comp: there would only be one winner for each obstacle. The pros ended the day and we all celebrated at a local bar where the winners were announced as well as the video premiere of Connect from Inferno Skate. The second day was filled with different workshops where pros were working on specific things with anyone who wanted to learn. Overall it was an amazing experience to watch everyone come together and enjoy the one thing we all love to do. Cheers!SUPPORT BUTTERTV ON PATREONhttps://www.patreon.com/buttertvFOLLOW ON INSTAGRAMhttps://www.instagram.com/buttertvWEBSITEhttps://www.buttertv.com/