One hour on few obstacles in “Le Hangar” Skate Park – DARWIN ECO SYSTEM
from Pascal Taryf on 9 Feb 2014
“Ho! it’s raining today!”
So let’s go to visit “Le Hangar” Skate Park in Darwin Eco System with my small brother who was in holliday at my place.
Let me introduce to blading world the amazing “DARWIN ECO SYSTEM” project. It takes place in an abandoned military barracks of Bordeaux (FRANCE). The area is simply magic. It’s a huge complex with a lot of old building which were all painted by street artists. When you are in this area you feel something that i can’t explain. The projet is supported by the government of Bordeaux which gave the authority to an local association to occur in this area. It’s an “eco system” project which consist in rebuilding infrastructure in an ecologic way. Each building has a special utility. In one of them we can find a Roller and Skate Park, Surf Shaper local, Print local, Scene for dancing and motor custom garage… Another one is dedicated to a BMX park. The biggest one is a business building which gather eco startups.
Discover all the project in details here :
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