Stefan Brandow – Best Of 2012
from Stefan Brandow on 7 Jan 2013
Couldn’t think of a better way to send off 2012 but with these clips and this song.
The past year changed a lot of things for me and I couldn’t be happier to have it over with and to have a fresh start in 2013.
Thank you so much to everyone who did make it a good year:
My parents and family, Joshua Yarmesch, Hawke Trackler, Mason Major, Brandon Cooklin, Nate Hall, Casey Wilson, Brett Dasovic, Greg Kieffer, Chad and Brad Anthony, Montre Livingston, Phil Gripper, Bill Hedrick and everyone from the following cities because there’s too many of you to name: Rochester, Buffalo, NYC, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cleveland, Nashville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Greenville, and everyone from everywhere else on the map I’ve been this year and might have missed, I love and appreciate you all.
R.I.P. James Short. I miss you every day and you still constantly inspire me.
Song: Wale – “Fuck You”
Clips featured from these edits:
Kaltik/ONE Big Break –
Wheel Scene Profile –
Bustown Trippin –
TSS 2 –
TSS 1 –