LocoSkatesStill the funnest Skate Ever? USD Aeon 80 Salvia.
from LocoSkates on 23 Nov 2024

The Aeon 80 skate is a jack of all trades, but does it work as well in a Skatepark as it does in a straight line. Jake finds out.With Jake Eley.You can find the USD Aeon 80 Salvia skate here: https://www.locoskates.com/products/usd-aeon-80-salvia-skates?_pos=2&_psq=aeon+80&_ss=e&_v=1.00:00 Intro0:20 What they’re for3:32 Do they work in a Skatepark4:35 Skating5:22 Analysis8:11 Spec rundown