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Tag: Julien Cudot (Page 1 of 5)

Foot Moon – Julien Cudot – Introduction (Julien Cudot)

Julien CudotFoot Moon – Julien Cudot – Introduction
from Julien Cudot on 15 Dec 2023

This video is the introduction section of Foot Moon documentary.Full movie, photos and more on : Youtube Subtitles available in ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF A YOUNG BOY WHO WANTED TO TOUCH THE SKY, BY SENDING IS FOOT… TO THE MOON !!! Do you know what Aggressive Rollerblading is ? Have you ever heard about Julien Cudot ? He is the latest Agressive inline world champion! Let’s discover the incredible story of one of the best skater of his time. Julien has won almost everything, he was already beating the bests when he was just 15 years old and until this day. At the age of 30, he is still pushing the limits. Are you ready to fellow him to the moon and beyond ? Directed & produced in Mexico by Backa Flipa Production

Foot Moon – Julien Cudot – Trailer (Julien Cudot)

Julien CudotFoot Moon – Julien Cudot – Trailer
from Julien Cudot on 25 Oct 2023

Pre-order now : date : 15 december 2023Youtube Subtitles available in ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISHFull movie, photos and much more : www.footmoon.comTHE INCREDIBLE STORY OF A YOUNG BOY WHO WANTED TO TOUCH THE SKY, BY SENDING IS FOOT… TO THE MOON !!!Do you know what Aggressive inline is ?Have you ever heard of Julien Cudot ? He is the latest Agressive inline world champion!Lets discover the incredible story of one of the best agressive skater of his time. Julien has won almost everything, he was already beating the bests when he was just 15 and until this day, at the age of 30, he is still pushing the limits far from what has ever been done.Are you ready to fellow him to the moon and beyond ?Directed & produced in Mexico by Backa Flipa Production : de lanzamiento : 15 de diciembre de 2023Youtube Subttulos disponibles en INGLS, FRANCS, ESPAOLPelcula completa, fotos y mucho ms: www.footmoon.comLA INCREBLE HISTORIA DE UN JOVEN QUE QUERA TOCAR EL CIELO, ENVIANDO SU PIE… A LA LUNA!!!Sabes qu es el Patinaje agresivo?Alguna vez has odo hablar de Julien Cudot? Es el ltimo campen mundial de Patinaje Agresivo!Descubramos la increble historia de uno de los mejores patinador agresivo de su tiempo. Julien lo ha ganado casi todo; ya estaba venciendo a los mejores cuando solo tena 15 aos y hasta el da de hoy, a los 30 aos, sigue empujando los lmites ms all de lo que se ha hecho antes.Ests listo para seguirlo hasta la luna y ms all?Dirigida y producida en Mxico por Backa Flippa Production maintenant : de sortie : 15 dcembre 2023Sous-titres Youtube disponibles en ANGLAIS, FRANAIS, ESPAGNOLFilm complet, photos et bien plus encore : www.footmoon.comL’HISTOIRE INCROYABLE D’UN JEUNE GARON QUI VOULAIT TOUCHER LES TOILES, EN ENVOYANT SON PIED… SUR LA LUNE !!!Savez-vous ce qu’est le Roller agressif ?Avez-vous dj entendu parler de Julien Cudot ? Il est le dernier champion du monde de roller agressif !Dcouvrons l’histoire incroyable de l’un des meilleurs patineur agressif de son poque. Julien a tout gagn, il battait dj les meilleurs l’ge de 15 ans et jusqu’ aujourd’hui, 30 ans, il repousse encore les limites bien au-del de ce qui a dj t fait.tes-vous prt le suivre jusqu’ la lune et au-del ?Ralis et produit au Mexique par Backa Flippa Production

Julien Cudot / Alk13 & Famus (Julien Cudot)

Julien CudotJulien Cudot / Alk13 & Famus
from Julien Cudot on 27 Jul 2023

Vido film en ce dbut de saison 2023 pour mes sponsors officiels ALK13(casque et protections) et Famus wheels (roues et roulements) 10% de rduction avec le code CUDOT10 sur l’ensemble du site : filmed during beginning of 2023 season for my official sponsors ALK13 (helmet and protections gears) and Famus wheels (wheels and bearings)10% discount with code CUDOT10 on all website : par / Poewered by Famus wheels ALK13 OS Nutrition Mglisse Club by : Cedric Freire De Araujo, Margot Greyl, Samuel Boghanim, Antony Pottier, Pierre Saporta, Vivien Sciare, Sofiane Kefane, Pierre Champeaux, Laurent Dezeque, Sydney Valette, Bastien HortesPhoto : Ken Awadi

Julien Cudot – French meet Brazilian healthcare (Julien Cudot)

Julien CudotJulien Cudot – French meet Brazilian healthcare
from Julien Cudot on 14 Mar 2023

After world championship in Argentina, 2 weeks in Dallas and one month in Mexico, i landed in Brasil without any of my stuff included skates and precious wrist gard ( my only bag got lost by airplane company )Here is what i managed to recorded during the 3 weeks trip around south Brasil.Cities : Sao Paulo, Curitiba, Rio de JaneiroSkaters: Carlos Pianowski, Diego Rachadel, Jean PalhaCamera : Carlos Pianowski, Sidnei Brito, Daniel Franco, Erich Gegenbauer, Marco Charneski, Diego Rachadel, Eduardo Sayao, Ton Nevessong : Motrhead – Hellraiser / Jacob Gurevitsch – Lovers in Paris (Tonovi Remix)Depois do campeonato mundial na Argentina, 2 semanas em Dallas e um ms no Mxico, aterrissei no Brasil sem nenhuma das minhas coisas, incluindo patins e pulseiras preciosas (minha nica bolsa foi perdida pela companhia area)Aqui est o que consegui registrar durante as 3 semanas de viagem pelo sul do Brasil.Aprs le championnat du monde en Argentine, 2 semaines Dallas et un mois au Mexique, j’ai atterri au Brsil sans aucune de mes affaires, y compris des patins et un prcieux protge-poignet (mon seul sac a t perdu par la compagnie arienne)Voici ce que j’ai russi enregistrer pendant le voyage de 3 semaines dans le sud du Brsil.

Julien Cudot – B-ROLL (Heads-up) (Julien Cudot)

Julien CudotJulien Cudot – B-ROLL (Heads-up)
from Julien Cudot on 10 Mar 2023

HEADS-UP B-roll In January 2022 i started a skatepark project including the highest level ive ever reached in park for now : Heads-upHere is the 20 minutes non edited process, behind the scenes of it. Below, the story of whole project again.Since i came back from my acl injury in 2020 and went back agressive skating full mode, i often find myself in Nantes at Le hangar skatepark. I imagined more and more big trick there without doing even one. However i decided i would do a very high level video there one day . Coming back from South America end of January 2022, i was in good shape and took the decision to get this thing done, fast. I organised a 6 days trip in Nantes with my old time friend Cedric Freire De Araujo as a cameraman. At this time, i tought it would be done in 5 days of skating in a row, nonetheless i wasn’t sure about final releasing mode of the video. Pretty fast through the week, i understood it would take more stays there to record all i planned, that it would be tough to film it all with iphone and that i’d surely not be selling it. Knowing i still managed to stack 3 or 4 good tricks from my initial list, i remained relatively optimist and satisfy Back in Paris, i asked Thomas Dalbis with whom i was editing my south america videos if he was keen on taking part of the project and come with us next time. He was juiced and the three of us went back there pretty fast. I started to land some of the biggest tricks on my list with a fair rending thanks to Thomas, his gear and Cedric. After this trip way more productive, Thomas became the official cameraman and editor of the project and we decided to release it by vod. Two more trips were added, counting 4 in total among one blank. The last trip was an emotional one, i landed as first trick of the first day the biggest trick from my list. Trick i had many doubts about his doability and his dangerousness. Then the second day after a productive session, i saw for the first time the end and i rushed in one of the last line to shoot; i was instantly called to order and took a gnarly fall which ended the trip and the whole project, finally. Le Hangar is a much present skatepark in my construction as a skater. From the closure of my local Parisian skatepark RollerPark Avenue to The Gladiator contest until Nantes Roller Festival it is; childhood memories with my bests friends Thomas Bouleau, Jrme Sindicas, Alexy Massip and Baptiste Urbain. It’s a factor in my transition from good kid to pro kid. Its world firsts and unclassed tricks from the worlds bests skaters like Stephane Alfano, Mathias Silhan or Jeremy Mlique more recently. And this is the most iconic contest, never equaled; The Gladiator Contest, big up Stphane Leuchie 😉 .For all these reasons and especially for what i’ve done there, i am happy to show you this video and here the behind the scenes of it. Heads-up vod contient / Heads-up includes: -la bande annonce / trailer -la vido principal monte d’une dure de 5 minutes/ main 5minutes video edit -une vido de 20 minutes sans musique dfilant les images dans l’ordre chronologique du dbut a la fin du tournage / 20 minutes B-roll in chronological order -17 photos en hq relatant mes sessions au hangar / 17 high quality photosIf you want to support and get your full VOD package you can DM me on my instagram page / Si vous voulez soutenir et obtenir votre pack Heads-Up VOD complet , vous pouvez me DM sur ma page instagram :

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