Hawke TracklerThe Future Of Rollerblading Contest 2024
from Hawke Trackler on 19 Dec 2024

This event was awesome and I am happy I ended up filming it. Shout out to all the parents. I know you’re the cool parents at school haha. I was very impressed from all the different age groups. It was a beautiful sight to see as a rollerblader of over 20 years. Speaking of long time skating shouts to Matt Mickey who did the announcing for their competition. I have been to most rollerblading contests at this point and I was just as pumped to see the little kids blading like anyone else id watch normally. It was also awesome to watch Mike and Migel teach kids some new stuff and ideas. It was wild how fast they learned. They really did a great job so be sure to pass along that message for me. Tell them I said “you all shred!!!” haha. With that keep being good parents and letting your kids shine and do whatever it is they love. Be happy and support them. Be kind but stern. Be loving and protective but also let them live a great life that they deserve. Be patient and be there for them. I am never around children so it was honestly crazy to witness so many different levels of skater. I had a blast being able to watch and take part in the event. Thanks again for having me. The future is looking bright. Let’s keep blading alive shall we! Peace. -HT-1st. Thor2nd. Skylar3rd. Johnny 4th. Tonee Hawk5th. Mike French