rollerblading transfer
from cutepoison1988BG on 30 Nov 2009
negative mizou to true negative sweatstance
The best source for rollerblading media online
rollerblading transfer
from cutepoison1988BG on 30 Nov 2009
negative mizou to true negative sweatstance
miracle rail
from JakeHayes on 30 Nov 2009
take two rails from a gas station, weld them together, dress up as a city worker, install on public land, skate for a few weeks, cry when city takes rail away
Some summer footage we quickly got on a flying visit home to Grimsby. We was too busy skating to eally get any good footage so I only ended up with a little from the new bowl in Cleethorpes.
Thanks to my old school mate Dillion for coming out for the day and having a good skate like the old days!
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