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Month: November 2015 (Page 1 of 110)

Cityhopper World (AuthenticRollerblade)

AuthenticRollerbladeCityhopper World
from AuthenticRollerblade on 30 Nov 2015

Rollerblade is proud to present you Cityhopper World. 5 years ago the Cityhopper crew started with an idea that quickly made a huge impact in the skating scene. Here you see the latest installment: Cityhopper World.

In this video the team of passionate skaters and filmmakers take you on a journey across the globe. The team visited Rio de Janeiro, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Cape Town and Amsterdam. Packed with their skates, camera gear and the jumpramp they bring you world-class tricks on world famous spots.

Visit for more insight.

Skater: Sven Boekhorst @svenboekhorst
Editing: Remy Cadier @remycadier
Camera: Remy Cadier, Axel van Dijk @axelfreelens, Niels Groenendijk @nielsnootaap
Graphics: Niels Groenendijk

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