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Month: August 2016 (Page 1 of 88)

Just The Tip // Boschi Pope Skate Off (southernscum)

southernscumJust The Tip // Boschi Pope Skate Off
from southernscum on 31 Aug 2016

iPhone footy chopped at one minute for social media platforms. But, due to the gram’s recent change of rules, this vid was ripped down the very second it went up.

So instead of the cheesy detailed caption, you get it fresh on the Vimeo. Hopefully you still get wet.

Now it’s up to Rollernews, Be-Mag, etc. to get this teaser to the community.

Oh yeah, CONGRATS TO TRE ON THE FIRST PLACE PULL. Your victory will be celebrated for years to come.

Welcome back to freedom Boschi. It was an honor to be in your presence pal. Bill, Mike, & the reigning Empire Boys, thank you for all the wonderful memories.

We are inspired!


The “OFFICIAL” 2016 UHL Competition (HVR_Nomad)

HVR_NomadThe “OFFICIAL” 2016 UHL Competition
from HVR_Nomad on 31 Aug 2016

On Saturday Aug 27th veteran Rollerblader Marco De Santi opened up his home & his amazing vert ramp to Inline Skaters from all over the World to compete in the first ever USA Halfpipe League Competition!

Currently performing in The Beatles “LOVE” by Cirque Du Soleil we’re all grateful that Marco had both the time & the passion to host this competition.

With the help of sponsors and fellow Pro Nel Martin this was the first time an event of this kind has presented itself in the United States in well over a decade! It was an incredible experience and everyone really came together to make this a huge success.

This is a showcase of the talent that traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada to compete. “B-roll” coming soon!

Thank You to Gadgik, Paul Mitchell, KeeperEnergyDrink, RazorSkates, and Reverse for their support!


1st: Rafael Lima ( Sao Paulo, Brazil )
2nd: Otto Bolanos ( Columbia )
3rd: Pavel Mitrenga ( Sofia, Bulgaria )
4th: Ernesto Borges ( Columbia )
5th: Boris Grozev ( Sofia, Bulgaria )
5th: Leo Riot ( Las Vegas, USA )
6th: Nick Calderon ( Columbia )
7th: Dania Amman ( Switzerland )
8th: Tony Rivituso ( Las Vegas, USA )
9th: Dereck Duarte ( Las Vegas, USA )
10th: Amy West ( Long Beach, USA )

Best Trick:
Colin Mcleod ( Las Vegas, USA )


Marco De Santi
Nel Martin
Miguel Ramos


Track One~
Gotan Project – “La Gloria” (Pozerok Remix)

Track Two~
Gotan Project – “Panamericana”

Filmed & Edited by @HVR_Nomad

Lost&Found – Razors Tapes ’16 (Razors Skate Co.)

Razors Skate Co.Lost&Found – Razors Tapes ’16
from Razors Skate Co. on 31 Aug 2016

Our good friend, Alex, is heading out on an excursion into the mountains for awhile and we may not see or hear from him for a couple weeks to a couple months. He will be missed, but deep down we are all a little envious that he’ll be device free and completely cut off from this digital world. We wish him the best on his journey and hope he comes back with some wisdom he can share with us all. Take care, brother, we will see you soon.

Before he departed on his journey, he left us with this gem – Lost and found footage from his many Razors Tapes tours. Thank you for this Alex. I’ll keep this edit on steady repeat, along with your other projects, while I eagerly await your return to the blades. Mucho love, amigo. – Geoff

Filmed and edited by Alex Burston

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