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Month: November 2023 (Page 1 of 101)

Na terra dos Hermanos! #patinsstreet #patinsurbano (Go Roller Skate Shop)

Go Roller Skate ShopNa terra dos Hermanos! #patinsstreet #patinsurbano
from Go Roller Skate Shop on 30 Nov 2023

Diego Rachadel, o Toco mandando uma daquelas em Buenos Aires, Argentina.Whats Go Roller 48 99805-2435 pensou em aprender com os melhores instrutores de onde quiser e no seu prprio ritmo? Ento vem viver essa liberdade sobre rodas com o nosso curso de patinao do ZERO RUA! Com a Go Roller voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa para se jogar no mundo da patinao e manter esse amor por toda a vida. Clique aqui e saiba mais: patins? Pensou Go Roller!


from Be-Mag on 30 Nov 2023

Gawds brand professional Michel Prado has dropped another hammer-filled promo video to support his second pro model skate. As you have come to expect from the Spanish legend, Michel cooks up some super tech switch-ups, mixed with some pretty heavy stunts to round out another classic profile from Chef Prado. Peep it! FOLLOW MICHEL PRADO @MICHEL__PRADO & VISIT THE GAWDS SITE AT GAWDS.SHOP.COM

Rollerblading Went Bigger Than Skateboarding – Reacting to the comments (Tom Moyse)

Tom MoyseRollerblading Went Bigger Than Skateboarding – Reacting to the comments
from Tom Moyse on 30 Nov 2023

“Whatever skateboarding can do, it was going to do bigger and better, the amplitude went off the chart” is the quote from one of my rollerblading videos that caused a bit of a stir last week.I recently put out of a video on how a joke changed rollerblading: “What’s the hardest thing about rollerblading…” The video looked at where the joke came from, culture in the 90s/early 2000s, how the joke changed societies views of rollerblading and also how it changed attitudes within rollerblading.In one section, I gave my speculative opinion that, during the late 90s into the 2000s, after the gay accusation , parts of rollerblading over compensated buy focusing purely on big stunts to prove a point.Their intention was to go bigger than skateboarding and in the most simplest form bigger meant better to them. I used this section as part of promotion for the video.I thought it was clear, “bigger and better” was used like a turn of phrase, it was about intent and specifically amplitude. I actually thought maybe a few rollerbladers would be like nah the joke had nothing to do with hammers, I didnt even consider skateboarders would be bothered – but its the internet so stuff gets taken wrong way. In this case the reactions were equally hilarious as they were unhinged. It seems a fair few skateboarder, misunderstood and misinterpreted what was being said. They’ve overlooked I was referring to a certain time period and that what I was saying was an intent. They instead took it as an absolute statement and some sort of diss.I take a light hearted look through the comments and give my reaction. If you would like to see more of this and support the channel:NEW Merchandise: a member: the Patreon donations and more:

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