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Rollerblade compilation 2017 (AuthenticRollerblade)

AuthenticRollerbladeRollerblade compilation 2017
from AuthenticRollerblade on 10 Jan 2018

Welcome to 2018!

In 2017 Rollerblade® launched several video edits containing amazing content. For our followers and fans, we created video edits that share our passion for the sport and the lifestyle of skating. The videos include: in depth reviews of products and innovations, a total training program for beginners to experts, a custom XFit workout with Ben Brillante on the all new Rollerblade® Twister Edge skates, and so much more. In 2018, as Rollerblade® continues to develop top-notch products for every skater, we will also continue to create content to inspire.

Enjoy the Rollerblade® 2017 Compilation! The compilation includes some of our favorites, but be sure to check out or visit our YouTube channel at AuthenticRollerblade to watch all our video edits.

Featured Riders: Greg Mirzoyan, Autumn Miller, Guillaume De Mallevoue, Sven Boekhorst, Guillaume le Gentil, Maxime Genoud, Ben Brillante, Jeremy Suarez, Sofi Carreras, Juan Hererra, Timmy van Rixtel, Gabe Holm, Danny Aldridge, Coco Sanchez, Cameron Talbott, and Sean Keane.

Watch full videos from the compilation:
ABT Skate with confidence: How to brake? Feat. Macroblade skates

GM Diaries S02E01: Unusual Freeskating Feat. Metroblades

Friendship Autumn Miller and Lindsey Lystad Feat. Macroblade skates

Paris Rollers Marathon 2017 Feat. Powerblade & Endurace skates

Rollerblade® at the Fise World in Montpellier Feat. Solo Team & NJ5

Skate with confidence: skate and breathe Feat. Macroblade skates

Rollerblade® Presents: The X-Fit Challenge Feat. Maxxum skates

Freeskate in Madrid 80mm Feat. Twister Edge, Twister X & Metroblade skates

Rollerblade Twister Edge X 2018 – Maxime Genoud Feat. Twister Edge skates

Freeskate in Iceland 80mm Feat. Twister X & Metroblade skates

Top Speed on the Rollerblade® Twister Edge Feat. Twister Edge skates

Roll out on the Macroblade ABT Feat. Macroblade skates

Danny’s Point: The Skaters’ Guide Through Barcelona Feat. RB80 skates

The Rollerblade® rockstars enjoying the Berlin Marathon Feat. RB80, Twister & Maxxum skates

Danny’s Point: unboxing Twister X Feat. Twister X skates

Cameron Talbott Amsterdam x Paris Feat. Solo

Team skate Sean Keane “Static” Full Part Feat. Solo Team skate

Cameron Talbott’s Backyard Bowl (AuthenticRollerblade)

AuthenticRollerbladeCameron Talbott’s Backyard Bowl
from AuthenticRollerblade on 5 Jan 2018

Rollerblade® Pro rider Cameron Talbott has the dream house. His backyard has a little bowl, which provides he and his friends hours of entertainment. This bowl has steep technical transitions, which makes it challenging and fun for even the best skaters. In this edit Cameron and fellow Rollerblade® Pro rider Sean Keane lace some very technical grinds and lines. Enjoy two of the best doing what they love to do. Edit by E-Rod: Erick Rodriguez

GmDiaries S02E03: a very special gift (AuthenticRollerblade)

AuthenticRollerbladeGmDiaries S02E03: a very special gift
from AuthenticRollerblade on 24 Dec 2017

In the last episode of this year’s GM Diaries we start of with the biggest chocolate of the advent calendar and some good croissants. After the morning ritual Greg puts on his Metroblades and we follow him to pick up the last gifts for this years Christmas. Along the way Greg finds some new spots and we see the struggle of buying presents prior to the holidays. We are happy to say he managed to pick up everything he needs, and he’s proud to show us a very special gift. Great job Greg!

From all of us at Rollerblade® Merry Christmas

Metroblade details:

Stop & Go Workout (AuthenticRollerblade)

AuthenticRollerbladeStop & Go Workout
from AuthenticRollerblade on 20 Dec 2017

The Rollerblade “Stop & Go Workout” is a fast paced series of on and off skate exercises aimed at increasing muscle strength, tone and explosive power!

This 30 minute-workout is sure to keep your heart pumping throughout giving a blast to your metabolism while improving agility and increasing speed.

GM Diaries S02E02: Metroblades needed for a shopping day (AuthenticRollerblade)

AuthenticRollerbladeGM Diaries S02E02: Metroblades needed for a shopping day
from AuthenticRollerblade on 17 Dec 2017

It is getting colder in Barcelona and the Holiday season is in full affect. Our freeride athlete Greg Mirzoyan picked up a Christmas tree in S02E01: Unusual freeskating. Still the climate is perfect for skating, and in this episode you see Greg on his way to get decoration. He almost spends worth of 31 sets of Hydrogen® wheels but managed to resist the temptation. Follow Greg in this episode where he tries a trick from his wish list, jumps some gaps and goes uptown Barcelona.

Metroblade details:

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