PRORAD – Desafio Inline 2012
from marcotxt on 31 Oct 2012
PRORAD Desafio Inline que foi neste sabado (27/10) e passará na Globo dia 4 de novembro no Esporte Espetacular …. ènoix .. curte ai , compartilhe, Valew !
The best source for rollerblading media online
PRORAD – Desafio Inline 2012
from marcotxt on 31 Oct 2012
PRORAD Desafio Inline que foi neste sabado (27/10) e passará na Globo dia 4 de novembro no Esporte Espetacular …. ènoix .. curte ai , compartilhe, Valew !
from HAUNTED on 31 Oct 2012
Happy Halloween you deviants!
Here’s some spooky nighttime cruising with Cody Lampman.
Shot by Kris Troyer, Nate Hall, & Tim Adams
Chopped by Kris Troyer
Song: “White Night” – Little Girls
MADD at rampworxs
from Daviesmedia on 31 Oct 2012
this is just a quick edit that was made at rampworxs when the madd team came for the night loads of kids tunred up and it is just such a sick park to ride an…
Mira G Brothers Park edit “Castelo Branco”
from Martim Braz Teixeira on 30 Oct 2012
Mira G Brothers Park edit “Castelo Branco”
apartir de hoje de duas em duas semanas será lançado um edit dos mira G brothers de um park de skate portugues. estejam atentos .
se alguem tiver uma sugestão de um park é só dizer!
from now on every two weeks, will be released an edit from mira G brothers of a Portuguese skate park. be aware
Music:Antwon-Longest Line
Park Address
Avenida do Empresário, 6000-767 Castelo Branco,
Championnat de France 2012 roller street Le mans
from s.richer on 30 Oct 2012
27 et 28 octobre 2012 pour le championnat de France de roller street.
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