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Tag: Reto Bürgin (Page 1 of 3)

Radlast (Reto Bürgin)

Reto BürginRadlast
from Reto Bürgin on 9 Jun 2022

Inline Skating edit filmed in Switzerland, 2022.Put some pressure on my wheels. Motivated by friends, sessions, what I see online and lastly by what you get when putting on skates, go out and express whatever crosses your path and mind (you know). Also happy to have images to show from my new camcorder.Hope you enjoy, Im happy for any feedback. Also hope to see clips of you anytime soon.Music: Hauschka – Rode Null

Counterclockwise (Reto Bürgin)

Reto BürginCounterclockwise
from Reto Bürgin on 3 Dec 2021

Seen from the side, wheels spin only clockwise when rolling backwards.Made in Switzerland in 2020-2021 by Reto Brgin with Yves Maurer, Dean Bradley, Roger Sutter, Patrick and Dani Huber, Mauro Martschitsch, Geoffroy Dubreuil, Clark Zeller, Kyle Sola, Michael Witzemann, Adrian Deck, Claudio Bohli, Claudio Antonelli, Nicolas Meister and Stephan Ryther.

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