#1 Javi Garrido – Rolling Beyond Limits: The Journey to Becoming a Conscious Athlete
from Javiera Garrido on 6 Mar 2024
Welcome to the first episode of Conscious Athlete with Javi Garrido! Join Javi on a personal journey from an intense childhood to representing Chile in international competitions at the age of 34. Discover how roller freestyle and self-awareness tools transformed her life. Join us to explore the impact of sports on the mind and how Javi blends skating with self-awareness therapies in RollFem.Find out how authenticity and self-awareness can take you beyond your limits as Javi shares his next challenge: learning a backflip on skates using self-hypnosis! Join the Conscious Athlete revolution, subscribe for more exciting episodes.Instragram Javi Garrido: https://www.instagram.com/javi_garrido_/ Follow RollFem to dive into unique experiences: https://www.instagram.com/roll_fem/Get ready to be your own hero in sports and life! https://www.instagram.com/experience_humanlab/ #ConsciousAthlete #RollFem #SportsTransformation