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Month: March 2020 (Page 4 of 54)

X-Crews Live – Luciano Zurro (X Crews)

X CrewsX-Crews Live – Luciano Zurro
from X Crews on 29 Mar 2020

Hoy en X-Crews Live entrevistamos a una de las figuras que marc a toda una generacin de riders espaoles, el argentino Luciano Zurro.La llegada de Luciano a la escena inline espaola coincidi con la llegada de las grandes marcas, los patrocinadores, las competiciones de street y el reconocimiento internacional de Espaa, y ms en concreto, Barcelona, como la meca del patinaje europeo.Acompanos en una hora de entrevista con Luciano que desde el confinamiento que estamos todos viviendo en nuestras casas, nos cuenta cmo le va con su escuela de Kitesurf en Argentina, recordamos ancdotas de la old school y nos reecontramos con viejos amigos a travs del chat de nuestra cuenta de Instagram.Y ya sabes, si quieres saberlo todo sobre el mejor patinaje de habla hispana, conecta con X-Crews en:http://www.x-crews.es sguenos durante la cuarentena todos los das a las 19:0000 en nuestros directos a travs de nuestro perfil de Instagram.Suscrbete a nuestras redes, dale al like y comparte con tus amigos!

Pow Wow Pro/AM 10 – The One That Almost Got Away (BUTTER TV)

BUTTER TVPow Wow Pro/AM 10 – The One That Almost Got Away
from BUTTER TV on 29 Mar 2020

This piece was done in collaboration with some amazing people that were all together for this event. For the full article with stories and photos please visit:

Jacksonville, Florida — March 12th-15th 2020. A unique time for a skate contest to take place right before social distancing was implemented throughout the country. At the time, gatherings of 250 people or less were allowed so the powers at Kona skatepark held a meeting, asked a lot of questions, did a head count, and made a strict policy that if there were anymore than 250, the competition would be shut down instantly. A social media blackout policy was also instilled to deter people from showing up so no one knew, asides from us that were there, that the event was even happening—which made it special in its own way. In one aspect, Pow Wow 10 felt like one last hurrah before this pandemic takes us all into harder times. Skating and cheering in the Florida sunshine while people are cooking burgers and dogs on their grills and throwing back a few beers, add to that, some amazing live music performances and you have yourself a Pow Wow. Always a good time seeing everyone and after we make it through this pandemic we’ll get together and do it all again. We have to right? Because Pow Wow 11 is coming March, 2021! Cheers!




The problem with skateshops // industry insights (Thisissoul)

ThisissoulThe problem with skateshops // industry insights
from Thisissoul on 29 Mar 2020

Because of the resent pandemic our skate school has closed down entirely.
Nevertheless people seem to skate now more then ever and our skateshop is thriving! It is time to investigate the inner workings of a skateshop.
I will explain a few issues facing our industry and try to give solutions to them as best as I can.

In 2017 I was at a convention in Bulgaria to speak about a few topics.
The following recording was shot there.
I will talk about how a good shop-owner deals with investments and tries to showcase our culture as good as possible.
this video is a bit longer then usual and the audio is not always as good but there are just so many good points mentioned here that i just had to show it.
if you like video’s like this, consider subscribing to our channel and enjoy the clip.
I start off by showing a screenshot from the old school skate movie Dare to air where it shows Brooke, an icon in skating at the time wearing a special jacket.

Link to the Dare to Air movie:

The double sizing vlog:

Link to the Thisissoul webshop

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