Mike TorresA Weekend of Blading in Rochester (2008)
from Mike Torres on 9 Jul 2014

In 2008 I originally titled this edit “A Weekend in HD”, then proceeded to upload it to the internet at 640×360.

I was an idiot.

This was one weekend in November of 2008 back in Rochester, NY, when I was instructed by my boss to go get myself familiar with our brand new Panasonic HVX-200 (commence ooo’s and ahh’s), so I did so by doing what I did best, filming my friends blading.

The reason I kind of hold this edit near and dear, is that it was probably the first of many edits I would make where I decided to focus more on the mood of the sessions rather than the tricks that were taking place at the sessions, which resulted in longer format edits that weren’t necessarily tightly cut together, and tended to sprawl out over a few songs.

This edit features Grant Hazelton, Steve Bruning, Tim Adams, Nate Hall, Mike Demler, Chris Walker, Mike Giroud, and myself.