aggressivemallAmall Razors Alex Burston SL Skate Promo by Tim & Gene
from aggressivemall on 8 Jun 2012

Gene and Tim of (employees at AMALL) both wanted to skate the Razors Alex Burston SL skate. So we did what any normal blade shop would do. We first gave them each a pair, then packed them to the gills with an arsenal of camera equipment and sent them on their way to produce an edit.

Given full creative freedom this is what they came up.

This edit was filmed in and around the California Bay Area.

Tim’s custom skate set up:
-Razors Alex Burston (SL) pro skates
-Stock soul plates, cuffs and buckles
-White Backslide plates
-Silver GC Featherlite 2.0’s
-Zeus wheels
-Bones Swiss Bearings

Gene’s skate setup:
-Razors Alex Burston (SL) pro skates
-Stock setup except for:
-Jug White Sox liners
-Eulogy wheels
-Titen Swiss bearings

You can purchase these skates now from

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Filmed By:Gene Steagall and Tim Kahana

Edited By: Gene Steagall