aggressivemallAmall Valo TV 3 Skates Promo Edit
from aggressivemall on 1 Jun 2012

Derek Radtke at shows the new Valo TV.3 skates in this short video promo of the skates. He has been rolling on the TV.3’s since they were just released and has been extremely happy with them for both park and street skating.

Available in either black or white, the TV.3 is a good skate that comes with quality stock parts and is also easily customizable with aftermarket frames, wheels and bearings to give you the set up that is just right for your style of rollerblading.

His custom skate set up is:
Valo black TV.3 Skates
White soul plates, buckles and laces
GC F1 XS Frames in black
Eulogy Erik Bailey Kyler pro wheels
Bones Super Swiss Six bearings
Moonshine white UHMW anti rockers

You can purchase these skates now from

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-We hope you enjoy it and thanks for watching.
Filmed and Edited By: Gene Steagall