Mathias von GostomskiBarcelona Sessions 2012: The early days
from Mathias von Gostomski on 26 Aug 2012

moved to Barcelona in January mainly because of good weather, cheap beer and some of the best skatespots in the world. As my normal job requires quite a lot of my time there is not too much to dedicate to the “fun” work, which still is shooting video and editing it. But put in a good bit of laziness and me wanting to skate too… I ended up not filming too much. But if you skate with the likes of Richie Eisler and Dustin Werbeski you just have to get that camera out at some point. So that’s what i did in early to mid 2012, filming a few moves on our favorite things by the coolest dudes. Got really motivated on the way, but then summer came with 35° everyday all day. No more skating really, i didn’t think that it would get that mad…
Time to edit…. Lots of Postproduction (ha if you can call it that on a skate edit anyways…) And i like the idea of the anamorphic thing. 2,35:1 instead of 16:9.