Northern quarter productionsBirthday session at Bones lll
from Northern quarter productions on 6 Mar 2014

So it was my birthday yesterday, Me, Danny Jewell and Kelvin Lemming headed down to Bones 3 Skatepark in Stockport, Manchester for a TNS session. All this footage was filmed in 1 session better still it was filmed in about 2 hours showing how much the lads down there shred. If you are a Rollerblader and live any where near Stockport or even if you don’t, come down on a Tuesday for the best vibes in session i have ever had and there is some sick skaters here!

Skaters in this edit

Stephen Swain
Ashley Clarke
Matty Bardsley
Sammy Garland
Danny Jewell
Kelvin Leeming
Jim Acres
Jake Ricketts
Duncan Clarke
Carl Ambler
If i have left any one out let me know and i will stick you on here.
Filmed by Carl Ambler, Danny Jewell and Kelvin Leeming
Song by Roots Manuva- Witness the fitness (Slugabed Remix)
Edited by- Carl Ambler