skatelife.TVBLADE EDIT: 2012 Escape From New York… FULL VIDEO… Online PREMIER!!!
from skatelife.TV on 1 Aug 2012

The Escape from New York Tour is an idea that Dan Fabiano of Scribe Industries
and Con Artist Brand and myself came up with after I spent a month and a half in California
earlier this year. As I toured up and down the coastline, I met some of the
most amazing and memorable athletes and personalities I have ever encountered.
I found myself submersed in deep conversation with industry legends such as
Louis Zamora and Lonnie Gallegos. I can’t thank these guys enough for the
insight they bestowed upon me, because without them I would have never
manifested such a project.

After three weekends touring the East Coast with 12 of New York’s finest
bladers, 3 special guests who traveled in from as far as the West Coast and
endless nights in post production, I am proud to say the the Escape from New
York Tour is ready for the online release!

We are proud to present The 2012 Escape from New York Tour…