skatelife.TVBLADE EDIT: NYC Summer Fun… by Alex Ryerson & Christian Delfino
from skatelife.TV on 24 Jul 2012

New York City is nuts. Whatever you need you can find it here. Unless you’re looking for seclusion, peace, or quiet, because that ain’t gonna happen. If you’ve never made the trip, I suggest you get your hands on some extra dough and make it happen. It will totally be worth your while. Billy O’Neill is throwing his annual Invitational on September 22nd this year. What a perfect opportunity to come see the greatest city in America. But if you can’t make the trip this time around, don’t think it would be any less fun to visit any time (except the winter, it’s fucking cold). Blading in the city is off the hook. There are something like 3000 kids shredding in the five boroughs, the scene is healthy. Skateparks are popping up all over, good ones at that. Something like 5 new parks popped up this past year, thanks board of Parks and Recreation. Good shit is happening all around. The future is looking bright. I hate negativity, but I do think criticism is necessary. In general, I think people should step back from their ego. Be productive, proactive, assertive, have conviction, and stay positive. We’re all going to die someday, so what are you going to spend your time doing until then? Whatever it is, make it count. We are all lucky to be ALIVE. Come to NYC. Look me up. Maybe I’ll hook you up with a spot to stay. Maybe!!! Looking forward to seeing all my dudes at the Invitational!!!

-a. ryerson