Hawke TracklerCruisin 4A Bruisin- Greg Preston
from Hawke Trackler on 2 Aug 2014

Greg Preston is 25 from Bowling Green Kentucky. He is a great guy, smart and also very dedicated to blading. He knows a lot about skating as whole but also is very good at skating himself. Living in a place where the scene isnt thriving like in other places makes its a bit more difficult to get yourself to go out and skate but every time I talk to him he is always trying to go skate. Even after long days at work this guy puts in effort at the skatepark or where ever he is able too. I always enjoy filming Greg and respect his dedication. He is “hoss the boss” and a good friend of mine. Check out Greggers do his thing in this Cruisin 4A Bruisin section we made.