Hark MeussEternal Seconds – 1999
from Hark Meuss on 29 Sep 2020

Always really bad with naming videos, this one is called ETERNAL SECONDS from 1998/1999. It was our second full video (sadly, the first one called SCM from 1997/1998 got lost), shot in and around Mainz. Profiles: our tiny teenie group of immature Halbstarke crew starring David Bullmann, Sascha Bickel, Etienne Steffens, Chung Vu Thanh & myself + fancy superstar guest Benny Harmanus + the Frankfurt crew. Fun fact, you can peep Jan Welch in some of the shots, filming for “Last Call”.
I think David & I edited this all winter in the Offener Kanal Mainz local tv station in the empty night slots. As a result, we were forced to broadcast it on that local station and called the text teaser “rhythmische Sportgymnastik für Fortgeschrittene”. Shoutouts to last century outspin sweatstance tab on curbs + me getting a “profile” with just 180’s and without being able to grind.

#eternal seconds #mainz #blading