Hawke TracklerFlippin Aint EZ- Round 1
from Hawke Trackler on 12 Sep 2014

In honor of my 2nd Flippin Aint EZ that im uploading soon I will figured I should upload the first one to vimeo as well. Flippin Aint EZ is a continues battle between you and objects around you that may or may not be possible to make flip and land without assistance. It has been fun experimenting with all kinds of random stuff to see if its possible to make it flip or to even see how many flips it can make an object do. In this edit I flip a couple of random things that were tricky to make work such as a iPhone, Bic Lighter, full Mountain Dew Cans, the double shoe flip and more haha. So check it out and feel free to share if you enjoy. Also check out #FlippinAintEZ on intsagram for other peoples flips they have filmed and shared with the hashtag and if you yourself want to share a video of you flipping something then by all means feel free to use the hashtag aswell. I eventually want to get enough cool shared flipping clips and make a Featured Flip Vid of all the badasses out there and upload it to the web haha. Thanks to all who have ever participated because you know its a great feeling to accomplish something so fun that easily might be overlooked for what its potentials could be in the end 😉