Fritz & Glow invade Europe Pt. 6 – Lyon, FISE – FRANCE
from Josh Glowicki on 1 Jan 2012
In this Episode of F & G Invade Europe we were on the move from Russia back into France…our second home!! Goodbye Vodka and Hash, hello Fromage and Vin!! We were invited to attend the NL contest in Strasbourg but arrived only in time to party…! From Strasbourg we hitched a ride with Dre, Brian and Horn to Lyon, France we were spent about 1 week living and filming for Ground Control Video and the Razors AM video. Lyon is awesome. Loved that city. From Lyon we drove down Montpellier for FISE. The rain this year really sucked but we made the most of it. the footage at the end of the edit is of the ARCENA FISE street battle that happened, during the ran!!! the french bladers are the dopest!! mad respect to Remy, Pottier, Allan and everyone else who shredded the comp in the rain!!!
Filmed by, Dre, Fritz and who ever else got their hands on the cam. thanks you guys.
Camera -Canon 5d