Thuro ShopIIDA MaryHill US Inline Downhill Division
from Thuro Shop on 4 Jul 2016

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I do not own the song – Song is: M83 – Laser Gun feat. Mai Lan (Audio) – YouTube

Following written by L.P.
Maryhill Loops is located in Goldendale, Washington, on the Columbia River Gorge. 1000’s of years of glacial melt as created one the of the most amazing landscapes for downhill.
This track features 2.2 miles of flowing corners. Race tactics and drafting play a large role in the final results.
Hosted by the Maryhill Ratz, this five day festival gives racers ample time to dial in the course. The hill is a consistent grade of 5% but winds have a large affect on the top speed of the track. Tailwinds can push speeds upwards of 50mph.
Maryhill Loops Road is a classic downhill track. The road doesn’t require heavy braking forcing riders to focus on roll speed and race strategy. With 2.2 miles from start to finish and a consistent grade, it is tough to separate from competitors. Weather conditions play a large role in gear choice and tactics. Track temperatures can reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and winds can increase or decrease speeds upwards of 20mph. The start is a long push before you settle into your tuck. Speeds are slow as you gradually build momentum through the first set of corners. While the turns are easy, it’s important to take precise lines for the shortest and fastest route. As you exit the top set of corners, pack positioning become a chess game. With 6 racers to a heat, big draft pockets are opened up enticing aggressive lines.