Flower She RollsInline Skating Tricks! How to Frontside Unity Skating tips for beginners!
from Flower She Rolls on 29 Sep 2022

Yay! I am so stoked about this trick and how its beginning to feel. Thank YOU for sticking with me and for sending it! Always at the right moment, the right place, and the right time. I stand in this truth for you and me and I believe in time youll stand firmly in it to. One immense love my sister and my brother.One day at a time. Right now.Filmed and edited by @manwithpogo-Dalton Smith I am eternally grateful for this life with you. Lastly, if you know anyone who might be interested in skating or who is starting their journey on wheels orrrrr if you feel someone in your circle could relate to my personal journey, please share this video with them. Im here for you now. Only with light, love, and truth.