The FinchISTANBUL By Anthony Finocchiaro
from The Finch on 29 Jun 2016

Recently i was in Istanbul for 10 days, I was hired as Filmmaker for NIKE Running to shoot the Nike Women Victory Tour 2016 event who was held in few different place of the city. also took time to organise a skating meeting with the local, our SEBA Distributor Paten Deposu and my good friend Sinan did help me a lot to make this happen.In this video you will not see that at all, but something different that i usually do.I mostly spend all my free time with my friends Sinan and his girlfriend, camera in one hand the whole time.No stab, no tripod no nothing just a camera and my hands, this wasn’t really on purpose I’ve just been a good tourist and I’ve try to get some of the ” Turkish ambiance ” Same thing with the editing, no purpose so i just edited the video simply with a music that i always wanted to use.This is not a beast but pretty much a simple video that i’m still happy to share with you guys !!!Thanks for Watching and please subscribe to my channel 😉 CheersCAMERA // SONY A7SII + METABONES + CANON 16-35 + 24 f1,4SONG // CHIM CHIM CHE-REE