Jan Eric WelchLast Call (1999)
from Jan Eric Welch on 17 Aug 2012

This video was filmed over a six month period in 1999. I was traveling around Europe visiting skaters in multiple cities as well as following the ASA circuit to all it’s European stops. I met many awesome people on this trip, which I’m still happy to be friends with to this day!

Profiles on Albert Hooi, Benny Harmanus, Jochen Smuda, Andreas Muller and Chris Fleener,

Filmed in London (England), Dublin (Ireland), Lausanne and Zug (Switzerland), Stockholm (Sweden), Genova and Rimini (Italy), Bonn, Braunschweig, Crailsheim, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg, Hannover, Koblenz, Koln, Limburg, Mainhardt, Mainz, Munchen, Oberhausen, Schleswig, Schwabish Hall, Ulm and Wangen (Germany), Paris and Lyon (France), Amsterdamn, Den Bosch, Harleem and Utrecht (Netherlands).