Jeff HofstedeParkBattles 2017 | Official DBE edit
from Jeff Hofstede on 13 Feb 2017

Saturday 11th of february the Park Battles took place at skatepark Arnhem. the special thing about this place is that it’s a skatepark built in a church!

This edition was again a huge succes and alot of great skaters took place in this event. This is the official dutch blade events edit.

Juniors –

1. Stefan Selders
2. Nils Rinas
3. Laus Valk
4. Poema Kitseroo
5. Jarco Ludolf

Girls –

1. Daries Auriane
2. Aniek Kerkhofs
3. Denice Hopman

AM –

1. Randy Zoller
2. Bob Scheer
3. Mikey Lillo
4. Wisse Ankersmit
5. Luca Gobbo

Pro –

1. Sem Croft
2. Jo Zenk
3. Davie Nijenbrink
4. Bobi Spassov
5. Jaro Frijn
6. Alex Burston
7. Erik Droogh
8. Jelle Briggeman
9. Richie Eisler
10. Thom Hardeman

Content provided by Pulse Mediahouse 2016