rollerbladingVHS archiveRide Like Aaron!
from rollerbladingVHS archive on 20 Sep 2016

(1999) “THIS VIDEO INCLUDES LESSONS FROM AARON FEINBERG ON HOW TO DO a Torque, Backside Royale, Savannah, Topside Soul, Mistrial, Topside Pornstar, Alley-Oop Soul AND MANY MORE!!! Whether you call it aggressive inline, rollerblading or simply freestyle, there’s no doubt many names come to mind. Invariably near the top of the list, there is one name that will stand out among the crowd… Aaron Feinberg.

Aaron broke on to the skate scene in 1997 with an explosion that rocked aggressive inline skaters worldwide winning the 1997 ESPN X-Games. Winning almost every contest he enters, Aaron has become the benchmark for young skaters everywhere. Aaron’s style, fluidity, grace and huge guts show why he’s one of the inline skating’s most prolific athletes.

You’re guaranteed to improve your skating and increase your overall ability to perform some of the most technical tricks around. All with the help of Aaron Feinberg.”