RPTRPT Video (2007-2009)
from RPT on 16 Mar 2014

Often, in the mix of how concerned we are of getting aggressive inline exposed to the general public. Whether we are busting ourselves trying o film for a video, making edits and all of that serious stuff. We forget the reason we all started skating in the first place. And that reason was to have fun.

RPT aka Ruthless Pirate Team aka the crew from Calgary, Alberta is dedicated to the youth and joviality of rollerblading. This movie is a collage of thousands of video clips documenting aggressive inline, life, friends, smiles, laughter, the world, memories and all the happiness that rollerblading brings us These clips.have been collected over the past year and edited into a neat little 40 minute package for your visual and auditory stimulation.

Guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

By Randy Yuen