RPTStill Smokin an RPT Tour
from RPT on 1 Dec 2012

Tours can be monumental, the best of times, the worst of times… just a lot of time.

Some RPT members took two weeks out of their Summer to go and tour the beautiful rural areas of interior British Columbia Canada.

Easily one of the most amateur times in our collective “video” experience. This project was riddled with problematic filming/editing/compiling and organization. Countless hours were spent bonding on this trip, and countless more were put together to make this little video a reality. From cataloging and capturing, problem solving and video fixes, editing and graphics. This tour video was put together by no less than half a dozen people behind the scenes and is a collective effort by all.

The kind of tour/project that undeniably can impact relationships.

Edited/Compiled/Captured/Shot/Graphics by:

Kenny T
Tommy D
Dallas K
Mike Kil