SYEAHSKATE : Battle My Crew 5
from Nick Kouros on 9 Nov 2013
VG24BMC 5 edit by Syeahskate from Athens, Greece
Shot, Processed and Cut by Nick Kouros
Skating by : Giorgos Mitropulos, Odiseas Selelmazidis, Argiris Pantazaras, Nikos Diakumeas, Andreas Tsamtsouris, George Saradoulias, Nikos Anastasiadis, Manolis Papakostas, Kostas Prasas
Shot on Super8 film
Cameras used: Nizo – 156 / 481 / 561 / PRO , Canon – 310 / 514 , Nikon – R8
Film Stock: Kodak – 7280 / 7285 / 7265 / 7266 / 7219, Wittner – PanR100 / B&W 54 / Chrome V50
Hand Processed using a Lomo tank (E6 process)
DIY telecine using a projector to camera sensor method
Extra processing by Andec Filmtechnik, Berlin
Recorded sound with a Zoom H4n
Shot in Athens & Volos, Greece and Montreal, Canada
This edit also serves as a teaser to our upcoming film, SYEAHV, coming not so soon in your eyepussies!!666
Track : Electric Wizard – Dopethrone