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Tag: butterTV (Page 4 of 16)

Berry Lane Skate Off: Water Under The Bridge (butterTV)

butterTVBerry Lane Skate Off: Water Under The Bridge
from butterTV on 28 Nov 2020

“Welcome to Jersey City” — Ty-Nitty

Jersey City, New Jersey — November 1st 2020. Originally scheduled to take place at Berry Lane Skate Park, the weather had other plans for the day as it brought in a heavy thunder storm but the boys at OSB and Skate & Liberty had a back up plan—shut down half the street and set up shop under the bridge. It was gritty but it was mostly dry. On a day that you wouldn’t count on getting any skating in…they made it work and it was really fun. Cheers!



QCKC3: Queen City Kings Contest 2020 (butterTV)

butterTVQCKC3: Queen City Kings Contest 2020
from butterTV on 27 Nov 2020

“Yeah, we were safe, we were smart, we wore our masks, we made sure everybody stay sanitized, but it was the fact that we’re bringing the community together on an equal level and that we were able to share a space and share a lot of love for the same sport in a positive light… that’s a beautiful thing.”— Brett Coppedge

During these current times of uncertainty, year three of the Queen City Kings Contest went extremely well. The energy inside OSO Skate park was electrifying and everybody there was having an awesome time as well as Montre doing an amazing job behind the microphone. The vibes were nothing but positive and all the skaters that competed killed it. Shout out to everyone who showed up, thank you to Oso for hosting another great year, and a special thank you to Montre, Kiki, and family. Cheers and much love!



BPSO5: Homecoming – The Fifth Annual Boschi Pope Skate Off (butterTV)

butterTVBPSO5: Homecoming – The Fifth Annual Boschi Pope Skate Off
from butterTV on 8 Sep 2020

“…For rollerblading, I’m gonna do this shit no matter what” —Boschi Pope

New York City — August 29th, 2020. Marking it’s fifth year and answering the question that seems to plague every competition this year of whether it’s happening or not…it happened. Boschi makes his return back home for this one and the turn out was surprisingly very good considering we are still living under covid rules as well as a forecast that promised rain showers. The show still went on and it went off. A good number of people along the east coast from Florida all the way up north made it over along with a handful hailing from the west. This was my first contest coverage since the Pow-Wow Pro/Am back in March and it felt good to re-connect with everyone in person. Cheers to everyone who came out, those who helped put it all together, and to all the skaters who put on a show for year five. Much love!




Action Figures: Soichiro Kanashima – IKIGAI (butterTV)

butterTVAction Figures: Soichiro Kanashima – IKIGAI
from butterTV on 31 Jul 2020

Japan – Summer, 2019 – I’ve had the pleasure of capturing some great highlights of Soichiro over the past few years from winning best trick at 2018’s Winterclash, taking first at the Boschi Pope Skate Off that same year, 2nd at 2019’s Blading Cup, and then taking a last minute trip to Japan where we stayed mostly in Tokyo to film street and wrapping up in his hometown of Okayama.

While in the U.S. we don’t normally view the cicada as anything more than a bug however in Japan they are very symbolic. Aside from hearing them sing in anime and and even throughout this video, they represent the beginning of summer, play a significant role in several children’s lives, and most importantly, they represent personal transformation.

As Soichiro states, Japan is an island which requires a plane to go anywhere outside of the country – “and because we only speak Japanese there’s a huge hurdle for us to go anywhere” – yet through his dedicated years invested into skating he was able to overcome that social hurdle and go beyond not only for himself but for the next generation of young skaters.

From his most recent winning, (one of the biggest – if not the biggest – pay days in blading history) at the Chimera A-Side Final, to a plethora of memorable street skating sections in videos and online, to running his own “Yamada Green” skate park in Okayama guiding some of the already most talented kids— one can easily say that he has truly discovered his passion in life or found his “ikigai” as he continuously evolves and transforms as a skater and mentor.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this episode possible.

Ikigai (pronounced ee-key-guy) is a wonderful Japanese concept that essentially means “a reason for being.” It’s made from two Japanese words: iki, meaning “life” and kai, meaning “effect, result, worth or benefit.” Combined: “a reason for living.”

Examples of ikigai are often related to aspects of social identity — including work and family life — but it’s often explained as something more than that. It’s the idea of seeking a purpose in everything you do in life. Hobbies, friendships, community and travel all add to your ikigai.
-Elaine Mead, Darling Magazine, Jan. 2018

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