Cowboy ChaosTri Star Series: Middle Tennessee
from Cowboy Chaos on 30 Mar 2015

The three stars of the Tennessee flag represent the three grand divisions of the state, Middle, East, and West. Each of which are geographically and culturally distinct. Middle Tennessee’s rolling foothills and stream valleys set it apart from the other two geographically, while much of the culture revolves around the state capital Nashville also known as the Country capital of the world and the Music City. It’s this booming little city and surroundings that is consistently churning out new terrain and talent in rollerblading.

*Dem Tennessee Boys*

Taylor Popham
Zach Leavell
Julian Mire
Cameron Martin
Quintin Lamb
Jon Morciglio
Tony Woodland
John Hiebert
Chris Kelley
Joseph Pacheos
Kofi Christie
Garrett Slobey
Rafael Valadez
Ethan Pugh