ONEblademagSame Days
from ONEblademag on 2 Jun 2024

There’s just something awesome about being in the streets with your friends, skating, laughing, and making memories together. It’s something we all do, at every level of skill, so it’s one of the truly universal shared experiences in our community. That feeling is the inspiration for this project that takes “lost & found” clips from 2019 and 2022 and weaves them into three montage sections for a quick tour through SoCal, the PacWest, and NYC. The years and spots have aged but some things never change. This is dedicated to those same days… the best days.Featuring: Adam Bazydlo / Michael Froemling / Jeremy Spira / Chris Couture / Pablo Muoz / Allen Clark / Jeremy Townsend / Jordan Baez / Ichi Inoue / Gene Steagall / Chris Calkins / Derek Macia / Steve SteinmetzHeader photo by Sean Macgowan (2019) as seen in ONE #25